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"Austin Politelli"


Story of the bike

​Austin Politelli is a professional Motocross/Supercross rider from Menifee, California. He turned pro in 2012 and has ridden for many different teams over the course of his career. In 2013, he won the Canadian Motocross Championship in the MX2 class. Since then, he has ridden for several different teams in the AMA Motocross and Supercross series.

I met and purchased the bike from his father. He told me that Austin grew up with Eli Tomac as they used to be neighbors and trained together. I don't know the previous history of the bike, but when Austin was around 15, John Tomac told him to go to Mammoth and race the Kamikaze with it. He did so and he won. (I assume he won the Junior class.)

The frame was probably produced in 1992, but there's no period correct on this one, as it was used for so long and parts got eventually exchanged or updated. I rebuild it with mostly the original parts - or same, but in better condition and added some myself, trying to stay in that early 90's time frame.

I'm not certain yet on a few parts, so the bike will most likely change before I"ll go to take outdoor photos.

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How the bike arrived


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